
Showing posts from August, 2021
  SELF-CARE and healing from C-PTSD  ~ Penny, founder of NASG ~ Recovery and Restoration Coach Experts in the field encourage a variety of practices that will assist survivors of abuse to heal from anxiety, C-PTSD and trauma. Whilst one cannot dispute the benefits of these, it's often a challenge to actually include them in one's daily routine and some of them - perhaps meditation for example - simply don't sit well with us. Why not focus instead on taking practical steps to ensure that you protect yourself from further abuse?  Set firm boundaries, go NO CONTACT or minimal contact if you are co-parenting, utilize the suggested ways of communicating with a narcissist that will not incur their wrath or argumentativeness (going grey rock for instance and making oneself so boring that they will move on to someone else to get their supply from), and take your eyes off the narcissist.  Choose to focus inward so that you can rediscover who you are and what your unique identity is
The Tapestry My life is but a weaving  between my Lord and me; I cannot choose the colours  He worketh steadily. Oft'times He weaveth sorrow,  and I, in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper  and I the underside. Not 'til the loom is silent  and the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas  and explain the reason why, The dark threads are as needful  in the Weaver's skillful hands, as the threads of gold and silver  in the pattern He has planned. Anonymous This poem has been inspirational my entire life. We don't understand why God allows bad things to happen to good people, but only when we realise that it is all part of the beautiful tapestry that God is weaving with our lives, will we be able to accept why the difficult times of loss, pain and grief, were necessary to complete His perfect design.  ~ Penny, founder of NASG ~